Welcome to Church

...a place for expression. A home for the supernatural. A people of the Word and the Spirit.

Service Time

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Sunday Services


We believe Church should be fun, impacting and life transforming! Our Sunday Service is designed to give you an experience that releases you into your supernatural Identity in Christ.

Evolve Service



God is intentional about your life and all He has planned for you. He wants you to EVOLVE into the person that you are in Christ Jesus. It is a service designed to soak you in the depth of that reality. We PRAY, We WORSHIP, We EVOLVE

The Secret Place {a prayer service}



Time with God in prayer

Welcome to our year of HEAVEN ON EARTH

* Prophetic Words for 2024 - HEAVEN ON EARTH
  • 1. Goshen Experience
  • 2. Supernatural Advancement
  • 3. Dominance by Zoe
  • 4. Uncommon Recoveries
  • 5. Unending Laughter
  • 6. Divine Establishment

Daily devotionals

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Book of the month

Book of the Month Snippet

The problem is that a lot of Christians live like nothing happened at salvation.

They act as if there is no God in them. And because they have refused to identify with their new nature, living consciously by it, they fall flat in the face of common challenges when they ought to dominate them.

Because they don’t realize who they are and what they have in Christ, they are overcome by things that they naturally ought to overcome.

READ DR. Kay's Book
"Our lives find completion when we’re doing the will of God, and one of the most important aspects I believe is to be involved in a local church."
Every service and program is structured to help you grow spiritually and locate your place so that your expressions in Christ can impact the world.


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